Property Services
Property Services
*Pricing varies depending on services needed; mileage not included
We're dedicated to providing comprehensive services that go beyond the ordinary. We provide a wide range of offerings and understand that every property is unique, which is why we work closely with you to develop customized services that meet your specific goals and objectives. Whether you're looking to manage your livestock herd while you're away, walk your fence line, or need a second hand in your land management, we ensure that you have access to the expertise and resources needed to achieve success. With our commitment to conservation and stewardship, you can trust us to deliver unparalleled Property Services that exceed your expectations.
Want us to go throughout the year on a reoccurring basis? We got you covered! Find out more about our Service Agreements!
Feeder Refills
Service includes:
Checking and cleaning of feeder for functionality
Filling feeder with your choice of corn, protein (16% or 20%), or wild bird mix
Documentation of completed work
Satisfies the Supplemental Feed category for Wildlife Management Valuation (Exemption) if feeder is "Free-Choice/Gravity"
Feeders up to 200 Lbs - $150 per feeder
Feeders up 200 - 400 Lbs - $250 per feeder
Feeders up 400+ Lbs - Contact for more information
Feeder Installations
Service includes:
Installing feeder of your choice
Filling feeder with your choice of corn, protein (16% or 20%), or wild bird mix up 200 Lbs
Documentation of completed work
Satisfies the Supplemental Feed category for Wildlife Management Valuation (Exemption) if feeder is "Free-Choice/Gravity"
Installation and initial fill - $250 per feeder
*Price of installation doesn't include price of feeder. Feeder must be able to be installed by a single individual.
Rainwater Collection/Water Trough Refills
Service includes:
Filling of water source
Cleaning of water source where applicable
Documentation of completed work
Satisfies the Supplemental Water category for Wildlife Management Valuation (Exemption)
Filling water source up to 100 Gal - $225 each water source
Rainwater Collection/Water Trough Installations
Service includes:
Installing rainwater collection/water trough of your choice
Filling water source with 100 Gal of water
Documentation of completed work
Satisfies the Supplemental Water category for Wildlife Management Valuation (Exemption)
Installation and initial fill - $325 per water source
*Price of installation doesn't include price of water source. Rainwater collection system/water trough must be able to be installed by a single individual.
Ranch Checks
Service includes:
Checking of desired infrastructure (feeders, water sources, blinds, fence-lines, etc.)
Documentation of completed work
Simple report of findings
Basic Check (checking roads and drivable/minimal hiking fence-lines) - $200
Checking feeders (testing functionality, checking feed level, cleaning) - $15 per feeder
Checking water sources (testing functionality of equipment, checking water level) - $15 per water source
Servicing feeder (replacement of batteries, timers, etc. where necessary) - $75 per feeder
Servicing water source (replacement of floats, hoses, cleaning of water source)* - $100 per water source
Checking and servicing hunting blinds (removal of wasp nests, cleaning of interior surfaces) - $20 per blind
*Servicing of stock tanks and ponds are not part of this offering
Additional Services
Do you have a particular project you need assistance in or don't see a service listed? Contact us for a quote!